How To Combine Emojis Using Google’s Emoji Kitchen

How To Combine Emojis Using Google’s Emoji Kitchen

Google’s Emoji Kitchen is a new online playground that lets you combine emojis into totally new emojis that your friends have definitely not seen before! 

Got a friend who is totally love sick about some rando?

Lovesick emoji, coming right up! And then, thrown into the group chat to really drive it home.

lovesick emoji which combines love emoji and sick emoji from Google Kitchen
Combine emojis for maximum effect.

So what’s new about this? The emoji kitchen has now become integrated into the search bar in Google. This means that Apple users can now access the emoji kitchen, rather than just Android users, who used to have access via the Gboard app.

While not every emoji is available on the panel yet, there’s enough to throw into a text and confuse people as to how you got a sexy strawberry panda in your message.

Picture an angry pumpkin at Halloween when someone says no to your Halloween party, or perhaps combining star sign Cancer with a head… for a rather risque effect.

While the eggplant emoji and the taco emoji are strangely missing, we all know what you guys are going to do with the banana and the “cat”.

Combine emojis: How to use Emoji Kitchen

Want to try it? Just search emoji kitchen in the search bar, and then click “get cooking” and then you can combine with literally any emoji you want together.

  1. On the left side of your screen, you’ll find a list of emojis to choose from.
  2. Pick an emoji to kickstart the creative process.
  3. On the right side, you’ll see a list of possible combinations.
  4. Select your second emoji to create your unique emoji sticker.
  5. Voila! Your combined emoji sticker will appear on the screen.
  6. Copy and paste it into your preferred messaging app or social media platform.
  7. For an element of surprise, don’t forget to explore the “Random” button for unexpected combinations.

While the web version of Emoji Kitchen might not have as extensive a selection as its Gboard counterpart, it’s undeniably a fun and engaging tool available on a wider range of devices. And most importantly, it’s a visual way to slag your friends by calling them a clown of love. 

And of course, make your combo emoji into an NFT before anyone else does! Happy emoji-ing!

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