How To Combine Emojis Using Google’s Emoji Kitchen

How To Combine Emojis Using Google’s Emoji Kitchen

Google’s Emoji Kitchen is a new online playground that lets you combine emojis into totally new emojis that your friends have definitely not seen before! ...
Google’s Emoji Kitchen is a new online playground that lets you combine emojis into totally new emojis that your friends have definitely not seen before!  Got a friend who is totally love sick about some rando? Lovesick emoji, coming right up! And then, thrown into the group chat to really drive it home. Combine emojis for maximum effect. So what’s new about this? The emoji kitchen has now become integrated into the search bar in Google. This means that Apple users can now access the emoji kitchen, rather than just Android users, who used to have access via the Gboard...
How To Use Google Gemini AI (Formerly Bard) & What Is It?

How To Use Google Gemini AI (Formerly Bard) & What Is It?

Google has always been at the forefront of innovation and technology, especially when it comes to artificial intelligence (AI). From its search engine, to its...
Google has always been at the forefront of innovation and technology, especially when it comes to artificial intelligence (AI). From its search engine, to its farms, to its self-driving cars, Google has been up to its spleen in AI, using it to improve products and services. And now, Google is hawking a new AI. It is called Google Gemini. I hear you ask, but doesn’t Google already have an AI called Bard? How to use Gemini AI Google Bard and Google Gemini were two different AI systems developed by Google. However, in February 2024, Google made the move to integrate...