I Requested AI to Create the Most Authentic Australian Experience

Another day, another AI art trend on TikTok. This time, people are asking AI art generators to conjure up the most ‘stereotypical’ depictions of people...
Another day, another AI art trend on TikTok. This time, people are asking AI art generators to conjure up the most ‘stereotypical’ depictions of people from a specific country. From there, users ask the AI art generators to ‘intensify’ those images to the point of absurdity. On TikTok, it’s called the ‘Make It More’ trend. For example, a user requested DALL-E to produce an illustration of a “typical American”. The first image spat out was an ordinary image of a boy munching on McDonald’s. The user then asked ChatGPT to make it “more American”, and… we’ll let you see the...