People display inherent prejudice against AI in the realm of the arts

People display inherent prejudice against AI in the realm of the arts

Nope, it’s not just you. AI-generated music and art was negatively perceived by participants in a study because it poses a “profound ontological threat” to...
Nope, it’s not just you. AI-generated music and art was negatively perceived by participants in a study because it poses a “profound ontological threat” to our humanity, according to a study by the University of British Columbia (UBC). Researchers at UBC conducted four studies in which university students and people not at university evaluated two different forms of art, and shared their thoughts on which one they preferred more, and which one they didn’t. Here are two of the more important experiments from the paper. Study 1: Music In the first study 206 university students were given two pieces of...
The Pro-AI Activist Movement is Expanding and Advocating

The Pro-AI Activist Movement is Expanding and Advocating

AI art, film and photography, to put it lightly, aren’t welcome in creative circles. Actors in Hollywood are fighting against major studios using their likeness...
AI art, film and photography, to put it lightly, aren’t welcome in creative circles. Actors in Hollywood are fighting against major studios using their likeness as “digital replicas”. Gamers who discover that their favourite game had used AI log onto the interwebs to voice their dissatisfaction. It seems that the general attitude towards AI in the arts, at least on the internet, is that of contempt. Artists say that AI-generated content lacks authenticity, steals from human-made art without their consent and robs creatives of their jobs.  There’s science to back up this behaviour. Research in August shows that we as...